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Now, that you are in the next world,

What did you bring Home?

Hope, you joined the place of the justified

You know your True Home,

Hope, you were not deceived or deceiving

While you were still breathing.

Hope, you did not fall

Into a grievous - uncontrite transgression

When you were given

Life's fathomless possession.


Now, that you arrived in the afterlife,

What was your earned income?

Trust, you did not see the ugliness

Of laziness, greediness and loftiness,

Damaging gratifications of hideous temptations,

Deadly leprosy of hidden jealousy,

The unsightliness of superfluity,

The repulsiveness of impurity,

Quarrel and irascibility.

Hope that you had loved the unlovable

Until you found them likeable.


Now that you are in the next world

Hope that you have seen your soul pristine

With your True Liberator's Face within

For all time praying and hoping

You found your True Home.


And you my earthly brother,

Do you possess the longing

To be nearest to Him and His Sacred Mother?

Do you wish the same for your own brother?

Is there enough grain?

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Nick and Josh on June 6, 2014 at 6:19 AM said:

We are fifth graders and we are very impressed with your poetry site. We are junior poets and hope to write books like you someday. You are a good poet! We also love your photographs. Best wishes with your new book and other writing!
Dorothy Kardas on January 28, 2013 at 12:18 PM said:

P.S. to Bill & Anna regarding Norwid. As promised, I checked the available translations, none of which do justice to his poetic genius. Norwid is searching for the ideal in the sphere of morality and operates often with irreproducible and difficult but exceptionally engaging and attractive language with extremely impressive profundity of spiritual thought. This particular poem expresses his deep yearning for Poland during his exile; the essence of the last stanza is almost impossible to capture in any other language. In addition, he uses many of his own coined words and phrases. Thus, I will plan to prepare at least excerpts in Polish of his other works. With all blessings... Dorothy
Dorothy Kardas on January 27, 2013 at 5:27 PM said:

Dear Bill and Anna,

Thank you for the considerately offered support, for which I am wholeheartedly indebted. By God's power, your kind words strengthen my resolve in serving God and others with purity of intention that is pleasing to God - knowing that in order to persevere in God's Grace I must count myself as nothing. In the near future, I will be posting more voice recordings. Norwid is my favorite poet (some of his poems are too moving to be able to read them...) I will try to provide a suitable English translation of this poem for you.
Wishing you to be each day nearer to the eternal, spiritual sublimity of God...
With affection... Dorothy
Bill & Anna on January 14, 2013 at 12:07 PM said:

Our family holds you, Dr. Kardas with the highest respect, as a writer, poet, and fellow Christian. Every piece of work has perfect syllogism that prognosticates where sin will lead us, prodigious inspiration, and a ceaseless endeavour to repentance.
We just got the opportunity to listen to your recordings at the bottom of the list of poems... and may we add, your voice transcends our expectaions, the way you deliver your message ignites our souls!
The work of Norwid in Polish is so very moving, no translation is needed - although we wish we knew the verse in English, hearing you speak the words alone, made us weep. Anna is of Polish decent, but sadly doesn't understand or remember many of the words. God bless the Christian work you do.
Sandra Kelting on September 25, 2012 at 1:09 AM said:

I love this poem. It is for everyone. It makes you think about how you see life now and how you might change your way of seeing things. Wonderful work Dorothy.
I really get great insperation when reading your poems.
MonChere on April 20, 2012 at 6:23 PM said:

Oh, Yeah... money & fame down the drain!

Shocker for the hotshots & million/billionaires out there! You really CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU!!! But the people of the world still live as if they can and will! Jesus warned us, store up riches for heaven...
Very well done Dr. Kardas, I love your style!

Tweetie Bird
(comment posted on Showcase)
lotsapowit on April 20, 2012 at 6:14 PM said:

WOW! What a brain rattler!

You've hit the nail on the head! What do we "take home"?
Better check our inventory pronto! Great poem of great importance.

(comment from a friend at Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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