Would you lose
Life for me?
Step beyond
Barren region
Of self-thinking,
Give a walkover
To self-rule?
Would you die
For supreme virtue?
Would you meet
Death for me?
Guiding others
To bountiful ground,
Searching for
The gone astray
Until found?
And, subdue
Wishes to highest
Rule of Truth?
Curb instincts
For noblest purpose?
For the other -
Sweating blood,
Reaping crop
Of favors flood?
Be tested devotee,
A pleasing gift for Me?
Always eager for
Heroic gesture,
Piously self-giving,
Dying while living,
Living by reason
Of regally dying,
Dying for The Undying,
Living because
Of dying for Me?
Life for Me?
Sacrifice oneself
To unfailingly
Protect me?
Be creedal devotee
To Immutable Thee?
Fully sacrificing
Altering, shifting "me"
For the unchanging
Infinite Thee?
Would you die for me?
Be virtuously self-giving,
Not giving to get pleasure
Using me as mere object
In vast measure?
Not crushing our
Shared, sacred dignity,
Partaking in destined
Full blown felicity,
Not deprive of Life
In intimacy strife?
Being set free
By loving Me,
And, die to thee,
To verily love Me?
Thine - not dying
Is less,
Worse than
To love Me
Is to die to thee.
Your life for me?
Oh! The infinitival
Dynamism of love
Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.
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