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- less than dust -

this world, in the main,

stewing in madness

don't belong here -

still, faithfully strive must


walk on this soil

voluble, deafening sounds

skin-deep in boil -

as birdbrained grounds -


opining on "things" -

not knowing much

not interested

eager to hear or watch -


silence is treasure

still, dimwit will measure

the loudness of sounds

big-sounding words

attracting blind hordes -


- less than dust -

don't belong here

still, faithfully strive must


each life has might

welcoming Light

endure at His sight


-am less than dust

still, till the End - "must"

uneager to watch

my meager core

lastingly to Thee


longing for

nothing less

than unabated

unison match

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Dorothy Kardas on June 24, 2014 at 6:36 PM said:

Dear RRT Generally, when writing, I try to apply the rule - "less is more." I detest wasting others' time with unnecessary words. Appreciate truly your kindness, and taking time in remarking on my work. Blessings, peace & love - DK
RRT on June 14, 2014 at 6:33 PM said:

Extremely well penned verse. Love to read and scare myself on how little I know! But I'm learning. Thanks!
Lu Ungers on June 8, 2012 at 10:53 AM said:

Dr. Kardas, your masterful delivery is unbeatable! The words on the page before me are like projectiles to the brain. You are what I'd call " A Word Surgeon ", for every line of your work touches and heals some part of the human body & soul. Incredible work...love to read works that have NO FRIPPERY or BOON-DOGGLE!
Channel Aubry on April 30, 2012 at 7:57 PM said:

Dear Dr. Kardas, You are truly an inspiration and glimmer of hope in this miserably saddened world. We just love to come and read your work because it gets our minds & souls mustered-up to indeed work together as Christians should.
You are a genius of words, your poems convey such deep-seeded messages from Christ's Truth, wish I had your spunk and wit! Glory & Praise to our Lord, may your "light" shine upon the millions who need to hear and heed "THE WORD". God bless you, our Christian Warrior. Love from Channel and the "Friends of The Word."

(comments from former Cross Way Publications)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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