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(For the Unborn Victims)


Could you face that face

you had defaced?

In your mind jungle prevails

On hectic side roads -

Almost untraced,

Novel, bootless affairs,

Betrayals, infidelities -

A set-up that fails.


Running futile race,

Refusing golden gift

By unrepentant disgrace

That all schemes can't erase

(Run away, turn a tail

and still fail).


The Holy Visage

Can't be eluded

Ideal Heart

Ever deluded

At the crucial End,

All will face

All piercing Gaze.

No credible defense

For atrocious offense

No affairs to amuse

No pleas, defensible excuse


Can you face

The All-knowing Gaze?

Can you face that face

you had defaced?

Can you face my face?


Who is my mother?


"The one who does,

The will of My Father..."

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Louis G. on May 22, 2012 at 3:15 PM said:

This was a very touching poem. It's so sad, the way the sin of man can kill so easily and without thought. I love the line, "Can you face the face that you defaced?" That is so true. They cannot. They turn their heads from the truth. Thank you for this poem. Well said. I, too, have written poems about the killing of innocent life. That killing can NOT be reversed. Thank you again for such a strong message...

(comment from former Christianpoetry.org)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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