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Denial of You...

Can be as subtle as a gentle breeze

Covering pile of ungoverned cravings

Settling mind restless at bogus ease...


Rejection of You...

So far-reaching, fiercely creeping

Infuriated as tropical cyclone sweeping...



That lies destructive, mortifying

Grow as weeds more "potent"

Than truths liberating... edifying...



That love is suffocated by selfish toxin

Self-interest in a barren region and exile

And Your Sacred Name attacked

With lips defiant and hostile!


Renouncing You...

By pride - adoration suicidal of self

Breeding anger crushing, envy raging

And costly vain-glory;

The tyrannical robber of salt of the earth...

Of favors and gifts divine...


(Skating on thin ice...

Can swiftness be indeed

A safeguard from forthcoming demise?!)


Without you...

Earthlings are but sin and nil, catching sight

Of it is to climb the mount of might...

Triumphing over venomous, harsh pride.


Oh! the changing and swiftly dying

Not worthy of winning nor acquiring

Or bewitching intelligent thought

Cannot worship God for it is naught.

Forsaken by God...

Accursed slough!

The Ancient Serpent's repugnant

Nauseating blot.

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Dorothy Kardas on January 2, 2013 at 7:47 PM said:

Dear FR,

Thank you again for supportively commenting on "my" written output.

May we be disciplined and educated in the "academia" of the Crucifix...

May God's Grace constantly rest upon you... Dorothy
Dorothy Kardas on January 2, 2013 at 7:42 PM said:

Dear KY,

Your kindhearted words and considerate thoughts are truly appreciated.

With prayers that God's Love will continue to transform us...
May the Author of Love and Life shower His abundant favors on you... Dorothy
Krisol Yukii on December 5, 2012 at 8:03 AM said:

What a powerful source and font of knowledge you have in your site. I just love coming here for some soul searching and to get motivated to help others. Gos be with you in you mission. KY
lotsapowit on April 20, 2012 at 2:32 PM said:


Again, unique and bold style. Very effective and convincing. Never know what expect next... LOVE IT!

(comment from a dear friend at Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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