October and May, are as always, the months of the Holy Rosary and are dedicated to Our Blessed Mother Mary. October has also been designated as Respect Life Month throughout the United States and most of the world. Along with our daily rosary, as directed by Our Lady of Fatima, we should always include prayers for the preborn and protection of all human life.
During these times we are asked to pray regarding all aspects of life from the moment of conception to natural death, but also we are reminded of two very important upcoming events very crucial to life.
Many states are voting on the question regarding the legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide. As Catholics, we are being asked to pray the Rosary to defeat such a law being allowed into our state government (for it allows the murder of a human being). Secondly, we must all stand together and vote against it! If by chance your state has already instituted this criminal law, please pray and then organize groups of people to help repeal the law in your state.
Each Election Day, we must also stand together for Respect of Life by voting for candidates that support pro-life. It is extremely urgent that we all pray for our country to elect a President and all other government officials that will defend and protect Life at all stages. This will only happen if every Christian, Catholic, Jew, Muslim etc. votes to protect life and bring our nation back to a Culture of Life. Meanwhile, keep praying the Rosary daily (better yet, several rosaries per day) for we are "A Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All (born and preborn)."
Reminder: many places of worship are sponsoring Special Hours of Prayer, Rosary Hours for the Preborn, Holy Hours, and Holy Eucharistic Adorations followed by the Holy Rosary. Please make time to attend these events as frequently as posssible with your family and friends. Even if you are homebound due to serious illness, local Catholic Broadcasting is sponsoring many opportunities for you to join in prayer and Adoration. If you don't have a local cable station or radio, ALWAYS pray the Rosary where ever you may be (and don't forget to ask for your absentee ballots for elections in your area.)
The USA cannot afford to lose one single Vote for Life!
God bless you,
Carolyn K. Johnson
Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.
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