Dwellers in wilderness pathless
In daily grind in plight hapless
Gone from Home - luckless
Rooted in homelessness
Befouling the Ocean purest
Of Perennial Truth
With toxic sludge
Of ungodly notions
Poisoned sooner than
Taking joy in breath of Life,
Silenced earlier than
Enjoying gifts celestial
Oh, how I despise
Modern ungodly thought!
"Reality" without God
Despise - heedless,
Irreligious advice
Faithless, profane frivolity
Periphery of pointless,
Wild insanity,
Hunting for flash of "reality"
While lacking the fuel of charity
Without searching
For the Bedrock of God
Is to chase and follow naught
A "home" of man without God -
Air-drying itself lavishly
In its decreed futility,
(Overall sterility)
In the service of "tolerance,"
Sacred Christian Creed
Is all but with awe decreed
(and tolerated)
The voice of
Virtue farsighted - violated
Rather than the chasm between
Right and wrong elucidated,
The dichotomy foolish
Of "left and right"
With serpent's tooth elevated;
And, wisdom ageless
Of innocence and purity - denigrated
Despise secular advice and thought
The "minds" that self-importantly fob -
Proud, as a peacock, mob
Words! Rise above the merely literary!
Deeds! Surpass the ordinary!
"Words" - the would be - "swords" -
Of all eras are a contemporary
Disbranching, chopping,
Uprooting serpent's plot!
Bask in the light of virtue and Verity
Feed on verdant pasture of charity
Tearing down sky-high mount
Of brute acts of iniquity.
Is there not an illumination
In earthlings' absurdity?
"Everyone who is of the Truth hears My Voice" - John 18:37
Our Redeemer brings us the Sword of Truth - "the cutting edge of Reason and Love."