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       Divine mercy, being the essential attribute of the intrinsic nature of God is the cause and the rule of all divine works. There is inexhaustibleness of divine mercy and when conferred that which is superior to all, can never be lost; it can just proliferate its endless creative and remedial effects. There is constancy and indiscriminateness of God's love, as well as an inexplicable inseparability between God's love and His suffering; perfection of His love being the reason for infiniteness of His suffering - His great heartedness being the explanation for His suffering whenever there is any human suffering, and for His grieving whenever human self-willfulness is in opposition to His will. There is nothing that Jesus did not endure and conquer Himself, and there can be nothing that He does not continue to bear and conquer with each and all of us. Jesus, as Thielicke affirmed knows absolutely everything "...of my loneliness, when I am alone or in the midst of my fellows, of the things in my life that I cannot handle, of the villain who is bedeviling me, of all my fears. For this Companion is with me in the front-line trenches. I can accept everything from his hand, for his hand knows and controls all things. And he lets down the drawbridge by which I can enter the fortress, long since forgotten, where I shall be secure. Here is One who waiting and looking for me." Although, His judgment pronounced against evil is absolute, His love is the same and unselective: "While it is an outstanding manifestation of charity towards souls to omit nothing from the saving doctrine of Christ, this must always be joined with tolerance and charity, as Christ himself showed by his conversations and dealings with men. Having come not to judge the world but to save it, he was uncompromisingly stern toward sin, but patient and rich in mercy toward sinners" (Humanae Vitae). Evil, which is the intricate union of sin and suffering has no power against God: it would be naive to treat the adversary of God and humanity as a contradiction of God. God cannot have contradiction except Himself. The Enemy of humankind expresses inability of being, and the cognizance of this inability; it represents the highest malefaction and mediocrity. The Prince of Darkness can neither provide an affirmation nor negation of anything, the only possibility it has is the possibility of misapplication. It is better to identify the Tempter as the fundamental principle of fatuousness. Satan is merely able to discern with great precision the possible from impossible - the possibility in the domain of practical application of deceitfulness or falseness. It has no power against God for even those who openly reject and hate God serve as instruments of God's mercy, and shape the lives of God's followers and elect; they "polish the stones of His eternal city."

       Since there is illimitableness of God's mercy and love, no state of sinfulness or affliction is capable of decreasing the fullness of that mercy. For this reason, Jesus in His revelations to Saint Faustina explicates that human transgressions do not hurt Him as unbearably as human mistrustfulness in His infinite love; the greater the sinner, the greater the right he/she has to His mercy: "A soul's greatest wretchedness does not enkindle Me with wrath; but rather My Heart is moved toward it with great mercy," and "My Heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners. If only they could understand that I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart as a fount overflowing with mercy. For them I dwell in the tabernacle as King of Mercy. I desire to bestow My graces upon souls, but they do not want to accept them" (Divine Mercy in My Soul). His promise is univocal that having unreservedness of trust in God's mercy means to never perish for by cooperating with divine graces, human battles and affairs become God's battles and affairs, and human enemies will "be shattered at the base of his footstool" (Divine Mercy...). On several occasions, Christ expresses deep sorrow over the distrustful and lukewarm souls: "Oh, if sinners knew My Mercy, they would not perish in such great numbers. Tell sinful souls not to be afraid to approach Me, speak to them of My great Mercy" (Divine Mercy...).

Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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