The limitary eye
Can insensibly see,
And, limitable being
Can't truly become or be
Has to be transformed
By Innocent Glow,
Sustained by unassailable
Oceanic Grace of Thee
And to justly, clearly see.
Can unbroken pleas
Verily worship Thee?
Glorify fittingly
By proclaiming
Unswervingly Thee?
Adhering devotedly
To undying Decree -
Be honoring Thee?
Cultivating obedience
Be venerating Thee?
Untiring obedience
Is not motion splendorous?
While, the right intent
Your untouchable demand?
Your Might pityingly
Crossing to lowly me
And me striving along
The magnificent
Pathway with Thee.
The sacrosanctity crown -
Most pleasing, consoling Thee
Gained on austerities,
Abstinent, ascetic posture
And fervidly fasting
So the soul can lavishly feed
Your will unfailing, inexhaustible
Provides the only fill satiable.
Can fervent seeker
For fullness of Truth
Rejoice in works of eternity,
Be illimitably fruitful
With no constancy of purgation,
The garland of self-sacrifice
And armory of self-mortification?
Celebrating knightliness supreme
With no surrender extreme,
Supplying Grace resplendent, replete,
Vindication and fulfillment complete?
And, relying on the Morning Star -
The Ivory Tower,
Rendering pure Maternal aid
Through unrelenting
Intercessory power?
Is my eye rigorous
On foundational,
Ontological, Life-giving
Dependence on Thee?
Mindful of the All-seeing
Ever Watchful Eye over me?
And, can meritorious gifts
Be offered to Thee
To be repaid by Thee?
The patient
"Life-blood" sighs of Thee
My wrestling violently
To be innocuously restored
As a dove free
Aching -
For unblemished heart
Formed by Thee.