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Shifting dust

Of subjective thoughts:

Irrationalities married

As rocklike realities,

Plunging depths seen

As skin deep profundities,

Nothing is descried as good,

Even love is not sole food.


No evil can be spotted

While murder is plotted,

Nothing is declared true,

Even - sky blue

Ageless declarations

Shunned, outvoted

As trifling fabrications.


Calls of politicians

For bogus unity

Empty lips uttering

Sounds of improbity,

Unity true as steel

Can never take place

When turning back

On Perfect Unifier

Permitting slaughter

Of His creation

Brought forth for

Destined elevation:

To unite with His Hands -

Sacred demands

Be sharers in His

Nature and divinity

Lacking conformity

To His laws superiority

Is leafless, bleak fatuity!

Contrary to reason task

Wearing fake mask


Not a ghost of a chance

To achieve unity


If one soul in Christendom

Suffers barbaric exile

How can one inspire?


Uttering words of unreality

Relativistic insanity

Fixated on people's rule

Mutilated democracies

Shunning self-sacrificing loyalties


To be

Valorous defenders

Of reigning Christendom

Against heathendom -

Ravening devildom.

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Jonas Kildare on June 15, 2012 at 9:41 AM said:

Your bravery is truly inspiring! Love the way you attack our politicians who think they are indeed a great asset to our government, when in fact they should "zip their lips" and they are "wet behind the ears" when they support the murdering of innocent babes. If they are so uncaring about human pre-born life... how can they can really care about the living beings on earth? You make a lot of sense in your arguments. Love to see more of your writing...
Jonas and Family

(comment from PoemHunter)
Kaye Dudley on June 15, 2012 at 9:36 AM said:

Dear Dr. Dorothy, this is what I consider a great example of "poetry of protest" against existing evils in politics, and society; convincing arguments, courageously and well written! Congratulations!!! Wish more people would confront in their writing what is dangerous in our society and worldwide. Thank You!

(comment from PoemHunter)
Fay Slimm (UK) on June 15, 2012 at 9:32 AM said:

Democracy will ever be opposed to Theocracy, and you put the case very strongly here Dorothy, with a well thought out, explicitly worded piece. Outing the failings of a decadent human race, is, in itself, a clarion call for change and needed repentance. Thank you for your care... kindest wishes from Fay

(comment from PoemHunter)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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