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To immaculate garment cleave

So, dove chaste can never leave

Too few act as gifts gratifying,

A world of good for others

Self-giving - scares or missing

While the snake in each corner

Each crossroad persistently hissing


To ascend to shadowless hill

Far from burden of self-will,

The slavery of pseudo-kindness,

Fake humility,

Amorphous, nebulous notions,

Clouded by self-serving,

Convenient emotions

Into realm beyond

Practical intellection -

Mutant predilection

Beyond the pseudo-testifier,

Truth denier, patchy thought,

Fantasy land

Never pasturing on a grassland 


Arid, infertile 

Desolate and

















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Kaye Dudley on July 10, 2012 at 8:54 PM said:

Dynamite verse! First-rate faculty with words! When we don't seek to know the fullness of God's Truth, we are prone to distort God's Truth, believe a lie and live on spiritually dangerous ground that can gradually destroy our souls like a spiritual cancer. Great lines like: notions clouded by self-serving emotions. Thank you Dr. Kardas for using your pen so skillfully and competently in defence of God's Truth. We're waiting for more!! God bless you...

(comment from PoemHunter)
Beverly Hills on July 10, 2012 at 8:46 PM said:

Just magnificent... and sooooo true! Love the title, and the ending so shockingly on target. This is another masterpiece I'll need to encode in my cerebral space. I can honestly say, every word I read, I relate to personally and am grateful for your God given talent that reminds me of what I need to hear and work on. God be with you.

(comment from PoemHunter)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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