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Shouting freethinking "feelings"

unthinking of final destiny,

deny otherworldly healings

not granting time for vision divine


aid untold carnage of preborn innocents

espouse mutinous worldliness

mocking and treading down devout believers

not giving thought for the vision of God


contrive unnatural "marital bond" -

rebels against virtue and nature

race to still greater darkness beyond

not favoring with thought designs of God


devise test tube - heinous creation of babes

treating them as bare matter for medical ends

spare embryos unfavorable - as "stuff" disposable

as waste, trash, as slag landing in a garbage bag


submitting to deadly vice and perversions

tarrying in cataclysmic storms of blindness

brutish, comatose in dehumanized wildness

a violent upheaval of heathenish gravity

Eternally forsaken - abettors of depravity





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Fred and Ellen Nolan on May 9, 2012 at 4:39 PM said:

Dear Dr. Dorothy, this is a very powerful poem... If we are really true Christians, we ALL have to take up the fight against pre-born murder. Too many people just sit back and shake their heads, but never get off that chair and do something about it. Thank you for reminding us what Jesus expects of us... We sincerely hope all the readers and our fellow followers of Christ will heed the call. God bless you... You are really shaking up some minds out there. Our prayers will ALWAYS be with you as you continue your mission for the unborn. All your newest poems give us plenty to think about... and then let's take action! We pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us all and encourage us to fulfill our personal missions. Blessings, Ellen & Fred

(comments from Christianpoetry.org)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

 © Copyright 2012- 2025All rights reserved Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas 


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