Christian Poetry by Dorothy Kardas
Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Theology (i.e. a perpetual student of theology), author of Catholic and Christian books, classic poetry, a satirist, essayist, Gospel lyricist and epigrammatic writer, Dorothy Kardas, graciously welcomes you, cherishing hope that you may come upon a glimpse of an aiding intimation, perhaps a helpful warning or a nudge of encouragement and spiritual comfort on Christian Works.
The poetic output featured on this site is written in varied and novel styles - primarily in a free verse and non-traditional didactic vein, discursive or satirical mode of expression, not infrequently with aphoristic retorts or stinging punchlines. The messages are delivered with an unadorned directness and immediacy, confronting aberrancies or deviations from revealed divine Truth, the horrors of atheistic or agnostic fallacies, political absurdities, moral indifference, and the madness of moral subjectivism. Evocatively and often provocatively elected modes of formulation accentuate an explicit and emphatic battle against the enemies of the Cross; an uncompromising defense of Christ's immortal and infinitely edifying teachings - the infallibility of Catholic Doctrine.The poetic works expound on the contrariety between secularized, technological mindset and the eschatological or final questions, explicating the perils of secular liberalism, and more importantly elaborating on the specific ways or bridges, as the Holy Scripture, sacramental graces, the Eucharist (the "touchstone of sanctity"), the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit and the intercessory assistance of the Mother of God, to reach sanctity of life or spiritual perfection.The poetic material also provides some sobering elucidations on the meaning of sacrifice, self-giving love, virtue, divine will, divine mercy, sin and its consequences, damnation as the deliberate and irrevocable estrangement from God, the requisite for repentance, the exigency for a continual conversion and Penance.
It is also a poetry of vehement expostulation against existing, most culpable societal ills as the atrocities toward the preborn, the evil of abortion; a conscientious objection to the abhorrent realities of such intrinsically evil practices as In Vitro Fertilization, surrogate "mothering," fetal stem cell research, cloning, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and same sex marriage.
The testimonials and insightful remarks included in this section are to express a grateful acceptance and aknowledgement to commenting readers. In all conscience, this posting is not to regale myself in unmerited "glory," for it is my firm belief that to infuse nothingness into a person is the beginning of internal healing, restoration and annihilation of the false self; it is infinitely more than being set free from falsehood and violation of orders; it is the beginning of fulfilling the grandest divine order.
Sample Testimonials From The Museum Of Learning
Wanda - Found Poetry
Poetry has never been so meaningful to me, until the day I read the works of Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. online. My soul was leaping for joy, crying for the immoral, and angry at the unjust. It is my prediction "Voice of Thunder: Footsteps to Light" and "The Gaping Door: The Search for Truth and Love" will surely be Christian classics for generations to come. Dr. Kardas is a bold, truthful, and very brave soldier in Christ's army. She defends His Truth as it ought to be told. Highly recommended reading for spiritual awakening. Don't waste your time reading useless info... look into challenging yourself to read these books and poems... then take a good look at the world around you and yourself! What a powerful resource! Google brings you to many other sites this author has published on. It's the greatest Christian Poetry I've ever read. I also highly recommend all this author's books in print.
Vincent - Found Poetry
Thanks Wanda, I really appreciated the links. Best I've seen too!
Sample Comment From - yorkie87
I agree... have been following the author's works for quite some time. Falls into the category of TRUE BLUE CHRISTIAN PATRIOT! Love her riveting style of delivery, true sense of moral convictions, and no-nonsense common sense! Taking to heart the messages given, makes one a totally different human being. Hopefully, putting us on a straighter path to Heaven.
Greetings From the University Staff & Students!
Your expertise in Christian Poetry fortifies our faith. Thank you for teaching God's Word in such an "explosive," yet beautiful manner. (Dec. 22, 2009)
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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D.
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