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Some choose dying out

And murder over being

Shun the goal of Truth -

Sacred Dogma and relation

Between Creator and creation;

Trust more self than saintly rule,

Unwitting that lacking fidelity

To the only Truth is shunning away

Their truth and sway


Some espouse sins deadly

Over - ever present -

Grace all-knowing,

Grace all-healing,

Unwitting that

Willing falls block

Lavish Graces

Doubters in the Truth,

In the Highest Good

Are doleful destroyers

And despoilers

Of their own

Rapture and joyance


Yet, Love wills

The highest good for self

And the other's meant

And greatest wealth.

True obedience

Takes away our weakness,

Replacing it with

Treasured meekness,

With power and

Strength heavenly.

While love of suffering

Seals the doom of evil,

Purifying love for Deus.


The way of Truth -

The way of True Vine

Always guides to

Virtuous - life divine -

A tangible testifier

Of creature's elevation,

Steady as a rock

Cause for mortal's elation.


Lend a willing ear

To silence's voice

Not befriending

Just any noise

For silence

Can bring

The Voice of Thunder

The voice of

Tender reminder

The whispers of Love

The words of Truth.

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lotsapowit on April 30, 2012 at 12:25 PM said:

The Way of TRUE Vine...

Superbly written verse. Yes, this is the SAVE HARBOUR we're all searching for. Love the message. Can't fathom why some will refuse to follow the path of Truth... then again just look around; such a sad lot we are...

(comment posted on Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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