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In awe with rock sturdy of truth

While befits its valued desire

Yet, abhors sound immutable of truth

While defies its wicked want


Hates perilous waves of a lie

While being artfully fooled

Yet, wears its repulsive rags

While it suits its self-serving occasion


Adulates splendor of truth

While truth exposes its skill

Yet, detests resonance of truth

While opposes its corrupt stand


Extols opulence of truth

While favors its arduous labor

Yet, shrinks from its penetrating Eye

While throws light on its wounding flaws


Stays mulishly unmoved and defiant

While reproved by voice thunderous of truth

Yet, remains opposing and at odds

While truth is eloquently silent


Under foolery of lesser evil

Confines art of self-indulgence

Divine afflatus misreads as its own percipience

At all times remains in useless fever

Slaves away in its woeful blindness.


(Inspired by The Confessions of Saint Augustine)

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Sharice on July 28, 2012 at 5:35 PM said:

Dr. Dorothy, a forceful and clear in tone summary of human's idiocy... the lack of foresight and good sense! Twisting of God's truth always ends up in despair and misery. Another well thought out and of great spiritual significance verse. St. Augustine is one of my favorite saints (read his confessions many times!).

We would like to thank Carolyn for including important materials on voting responsibilities for Catholics and Christians. VOTING FOR PRO-ABORT AS OBAMA IS A MORTAL SIN!!! We all need to spread this important message! God bless!

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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