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Mortal - the ungrateful wretch,

Taking all things as one's due

Inflated with incurable pride

Fell-ingrate - unaware

That oblivion is a deadly crime

Frightful knave - unknowing

Of the treasure of docile ape

Of the treasure of docility

And fitting teachability

Crocked with the pursuit

Of lechery and pleasure

With infected mind and defiled hands

Enslaver of darkness

Embracer of vice

Against the disarming

And soothing Light,

Unguided by the deathless wealth

Of meekness and innocence stays unlearnt,

A stranger to the vastness of debt

And unbounded fire of the Cross,

Deaf to fidelity and care

Lavishly given from the abode

Of the Author of Love...




Even wild animals can be tamed and settled

in exchange for help or sustenance.





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Dorothy Kardas on January 27, 2013 at 5:48 PM said:

Dear John,

Your kind act of commenting favorably on my work is truly valued; it is an energizing tonic as well! I will be presenting more essays that you might find also helpful.

May we keep our hearts and minds wide open to receive God's limitless spiritual favors...
In union with His love... Dorothy
John Juan on January 17, 2013 at 6:02 AM said:

Thank you so much for your eassays on suffering. I've learned so much from them and really am trying to restore my faith. Your poems are like a daily vitamin with a kick...Fabulous is all I can say!
lotsapowit on April 20, 2012 at 6:27 PM said:

Powerful and painfully TRUE!

Love the message...fits the worldly "thinking" of today. Well done.

(comment posted on Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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