Within the House of God,
coffin positioned in front of the altar,
and a rabble of mourners on the left
ready and willing of putting
its content into the ground
(blank - where treasure is found)
clued in, that coffin contained
one racked by cancer
and believably was dying
or was - by now - dead
dead or dying?!
Why - dead set - on burying if dying
and hysterical wailing, crying
instead of assisting the dying?
Approached the coffin
dead set on assisting the dying
ravaged by cancer and pain
dying or dead
subduing strenuous dread
opened the coffin of the
by now dead or still dying
in spite of the mob's intent
and ill-timed sobbing and crying
What a reward of - dead set - trying!
Beholding, beyond praise,
completely Alive, Immaculate,
Radiant Face!
Exultation, jubilation,
Celebration, instant transformation...
while beholding beyond praise,
Most Pure, Most Innocent,
Perfect, Radiant Face!
Running outside of the House of God,
the mob of mourners screaming "miracle!"
scattered in every direction, leaving again
Him alone as after all the miracles in the past
He steadily and mercifully performed that outlast...
In black garments covering also His Divine Head,
Walked away slowly - the One they thought was dead,
And Cross-ed through the gateway - still left alone,
as I hesitantly tread in the opposite way home,
then, the most Familiar Figure - most Familiar Spirit
and I at same instant suddenly came to a dead stop,
my entire being overflowing with inconceivable hope,
turning, facing each other with power beyond words
hearing the noises and faded celebration of noxious hordes.
Approached Him and looking down - to my indescribable joy
saw most familiar sandals and heard a resonant Voice
pronouncing secret orders and final instruction,
tenderly warning me about spiritual destruction,
laying down the law, showing to heavenly realm door
and pronouncing intelligibly "Sin NO more..."
Departing, I hid myself in familiar childhood bushes
to avoid danger that was all around me...
remained - dead set -
on allowing Him to sculpt, mold and cast
voicing the admonishment:
"Do not bury Him!"
"Let Him Live in us!"
(Inspired by a most powerful dream I had decades ago - in 1984).