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To the city of the living Deity

Avoiding trace of impiety uglification

For reverence of liberally given

Benefits and edification

Guarding as a myrmidon

The prize of salvation.

To the city of the living God

To reach this Lasting Homeland,

A good deal is missing my Lord.


To the city of the living Divinity

Shunning vice, cultivating virtue -

The desire for the charm of sanctity

For the regard of freely bestowed

Profusion of healing Graces

To safely reach the Holiest of Places

To the city of the living Deity

Shielding others with pity

To reach that City of cities,

A great deal is missing my Lord.

Regret each loss - my God.


To the Fatherland - the Ultimate City

Safeguarding the earnest devotion

And unbending fidelity

For the regard of freely given

Protective Presence and pity

Guarding as a humble warrior

The Blood of Mercy and absolution,

Remaining steadfast in final resolution

To reach the City of the living God

Willing to die - out of love only - on the spot

To reach that Lasting Fatherland,

Always, come short my Lord.


To the City of the Sacred Maternity

Where motherless exult

By the mantle of True-Blue Motherhood

There motherliness dwells

In joy with pure saintliness

And motherly love is the same

As Immaculate Benignity,

Virginal Generosity;

There love devotional and votive

Remains the one and only motive

Long downright for this mothering -

This Motherland, my Lord


To the Kingdom ruled

By majesty of Truth and Love

For awe of being given

The gift of faith and mystical hope

Guarding as a warrior for Truth,

The prize of His unsurpassed Love

Taking refuge in His wounds,

Being eager to be wounded -

A sign for the realness

Of the poorest form of love,

To the City of the living Deity

Undefiled by error, guarding

Wealth of the unshakable

Twosome of chastity and charity

Miss gravely this City, my Lord.


To the Unchanging Homeland

To God's own country

Where the Presence of Deity

Triggers weighty feelings

Of reverential, filial fear

Missing this Homeland dear

All earthly dealings shall disappear

Yet, the Kingdom

Where Love and Truth reside

Cannot be shaken

Cannot be mistaken

Here, the King

Is a "consuming fire,"

Bestowing superabundance

To only one -

Straight as an arrow - desire

Where the King is

There all the wealth is

So never

Pass the chance

Have a cause for regret

Shame or blame

As a myrmidon -

Carrying out orders

Without question or doubt

Lastingly setting eyes

On hope that is safe

And Safe Haven again -

Never to feel that

Something is missing again

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My Two Pence on May 10, 2012 at 6:53 PM said:

A Message From Beyond...To a Dear Friend

My sincere thank yous from Yuri's entire family. We would like you to know how much your kind and supportive words meant to all of us during Yuri's illness. He did cherish your words and sincere messages of hope and Christian love.

My oldest grandson read "Eternal Homeland" at Yuri's memorial service. This piece of your work meant so very much to all of us. Everyone attending was so moved that they insisted we get them a copy. With proper creditation to you our friend, we provided the source.

We've asked everyone to continue their prayers for Yuri, so that he may finally reach that Eternal Homeland - that he so longed for.

Once again, we are ever grateful for your kind loving support. Dr. Kardas, we do hope in our simple letter that we have expressed what tremendous power and impact your words have made within our family and groups of friends. Thank you for your prayers and Christian Love that you so freely share, you made us feel that you are a part of our Christian family and a very dear friend the Good Lord sent to us in our hour of need.

May God bless you...may we all meet someday in the "Eternal Homeland."

With love and gratitude beyond words,
Maya and family

(cherished words from dear friends from Australia - posted on Showcase)
In God We Trust on April 26, 2012 at 6:23 PM said:

Engrossed in Cerebration!

The intellectual faculties burn with curiosity and cogitate as they vigilantly savour your fire of genius -
scintillation of shrewd savant!

With highest respect & God's blessings


(comment posted on Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

 © Copyright 2012- 2025All rights reserved Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas 


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