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Child as unproductive product!


I - the tiny embryo

defiantly -

to laws divine - conceived

by "procreators deceived"

through methods


unfit for human,

sinful, disgraceful,

unbefitting to man!


designed scam!


I - the tiny embryo

insolently conceived

by "procreators"

unduly "relieved"

treated as a product

another commodity

met with farcical fate...

disposable merchandise

elected to "live"

or put to ghastly demise!


I - the tiny human

never lived to see

my siblings grow,

progress and mature

for they were unsafe

in terrifying danger -

annihilated, eliminated!

as me - a victim embryo

a sufferer, human casualty

usable, throwaway thing!

with immortal soul within...


do they bathe their bed

with tears over me?

no! they abandoned

the memory of me...

for they've rebelliously

forsaken Thee...


not parents!

not even procreators!

but selfish terminators!


can the selected sibling

find true comfort in your arm?

when hearts are lifeless, cruel

DID to tiny offspring

sickening, irreversible harm?


liable to creatural caprice

mind-boggling whim-wham:

am I just a waste product?!

or if sought after

I become a wanted man?!


While Unfailing Creator

Munificent Liberator

steadily inquires

of regal... fit desires:

"Is not My Love Supreme

enough to crown your dream?" 


This verse was dedicated to all discarded and destroyed embryonic children, and was inspired by the writings of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, also a great Italian-German thinker, Romano Guardini, and the French philosopher, Michel Serres who take up the question of the respect due to the human embryo.

More human embryos are produced in the test tube by In Vitro Fertilization procedure than wanted (for every single In Vitro Fertilization technique, the requirement is to have at least four human embryos), and those embryos who are wanted are transferred into the womb of the "mother" or "surrogate mother", whereas those who are "spare" are selectively eliminated - become subjected to a totally cruel, inhumane, farcical doom. Yet, a human child can at no time be regarded as a product of lesser value (and sadly treated as garbage!!!) than its producers since it is a person of equal dignity to its parents and to all. This is why such procedures are always intrinsically evil and abominable in God's sight! God wants us always to have, above all, an upright intention and requires that the action be good action (not repulsive - sinful actions by which the child is produced within the test tube!). IT IS NEVER PERMISSIBLE TO DO EVIL IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE A GOOD END!

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Dorothy Kardas on June 16, 2014 at 7:17 PM said:

Dear Kit,
Congratulations on getting A+! I am sure it was well deserved! I am also certain that you have great God-given talents and possess a studious and conscientious disposition which is always rewarded. As you mentioned, the end of this poem contains the most essential truth: we are in possession of everything for every single person received the redemptory gift of Christ's perfect Love - knowing this is the beginning of the greatest miracle, becoming necessary in reaching most profound personal renewal or holiness of life. Wishing you abundant blessings and all that is pleasing to God. In union with His Love - DK
Kit on June 5, 2014 at 11:25 AM said:

Many thanks for hours and hours of great reading and food for thought. I'm really glad I had your poetry and essays to refer to when doing my final assignments. The ending of this poem really got to me - heart and soul. All I was capable of was to expand one aspect of pro-life. I got an A+!
Dorothy Kardas on May 27, 2013 at 5:46 PM said:

Dear Mr. Hawkins, please read my response to your warm and sincere comments under the poem "Wail of Woe."
In solidarity with Christ - Dorothy
Phinie on May 17, 2013 at 7:24 AM said:

Truth : killing babies in any shape or form in time is disgustingly nauseating, not to mention murder. Powerful words Doc. Got to get this message out and be taken seriously. Folks who are so called "uninformed" has NO excuse in this "cyber age". They are just plain chained to the devil's heels. Please keep up the great work for the babies unborn. God Bless Your Mission!
Dorothy Kardas on January 2, 2013 at 7:07 PM said:

Dear KY,

Thank you for your thoughtful, cordial and encouraging words, which are touching and shall be always cherished.

May the fire of Christ's Love constantly sanctify us...
In union with His Love... Dorothy
KY on December 5, 2012 at 8:18 AM said:

I am just so touched by your work for pro-life, Dr. Kardas. I will share in my church club. Thank you for dedicating your beautiful work and time for the unborn. These poems are just heartbreaking, yet so well done. God has sent us a poetic "ANGEL" to teach us HIS LAWS.

I have to get time to really digest all of the information in the eassys, they are so wonderfully done! KY from AK
MonChere on May 18, 2012 at 7:55 PM said:

Just One More...

Can't stop reading. I'm just overwhelmed right now especially with sad emotions and fear for the unjust. This is another most brilliantly thought out poem that covers literally a multitude of sins that people unfortunately take "so lightly" in this day and age. VERY POWERFUL LAST STANZA...AMEN!!!
It's so soul stirring to view abortion from the embryo's side of the gory matter. What a heart breaker!

Thanks again for standing up for Truth.

Tweetie Bird

(comment posted on Showcase)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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