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Mourn prodigal losses

At all times

In all places

Their frequent and

Inexcusable traces

In young and elderly

Sad alike faces

So out of order,

Broken down,

Ill-made paces


Mourn needless losses

At all times

In all places

Overflowing of

Prevenient Graces

And still multitude

Of heart-rending cases

So many beings

Lacking solid bases

Face danger, 

Resisting Graces


Traces of losses

In all places

In too many cases

In spite of profusion

Of offered freely Graces

Still, beings deprived

Of sturdy as rock bases,

Masses of lamentable faces

For refusing Graces,

Seeing Him

In all sad faces

Waiting prayerfully


For Graces embraces -

To be embraced

In all places

At all times.

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Dr. Nate Judson on June 16, 2013 at 6:35 PM said:

We've been reading a lot of your work, wish we could comment on all your poems because you are really the only poet we have ever read who shares our Christian Family values. You must know how very urgent your work is - to be read and taken to heart; so many faces out there, lacking graces... even at the happiest time of the year. Merry Christmas to you and your family from all the Judsons (from all over the globe), God bless Us Every ONE!

(comment from PoemHunter)
Dorothy Kardas on May 27, 2013 at 5:30 PM said:

Dear Mr. Hawkins,
Yes! Indubitably, we are friends in Christ for everlasting time! Thank you for commenting - with irreplaceable charity and reflectiveness - on this site and presented material. It was indeed a spiritual and mental pleasure to read those 3 comments containing insights of invaluable significance, and delivered with a dose of pleasant humor. Sir, your act of supportiveness and generosity of spirit reflect divine providential love in action for which I am spiritually beholden to you and inherently to the Maker. Too many individuals are indeed "chained to the devil's heels" suffering interior disintegration, and thus remain absolutely incapable of uniting with others in the truth of self-giving - even with their own unborn children! One can never ponder enough on the unsightliness and destruction caused by sin. In the modern age, there is a systematic suppression and opposition to consciousness of sin and consequential abandonment of human dignity. Rebellion, self-sufficiency, self-serving rationales, idolatry and cowardice are frivolously embraced instead. Exterior obedience to the perfectly workable principles and moral laws revealed by God is absolutely indispensable in instructing us to fulfill and fully appreciate the inner law and order of conscience. Our Redeemer constantly reminds us that heroic holy courage fueled by self-giving love and sacrifice or selfless risk that is always supported by abundance and infinitude of divine Grace is the unchanging and immortally triumphant response.
May we have absolute trust in Divine Providence, and be fruitful witnesses to Christ's Love...
Wishing you and your loved ones wealth of divine gifts...
With Christian love... Dorothy
Phineus Hawkins on May 17, 2013 at 6:15 AM said:

A most beuatiful site, indeed the messages here are for eternal salvation. I may be just an ole bloke from "Down Under" but, I know when I see a genius at work. Subtle, bold as a lion, truthful to God's Laws, somber yet hopeful.. You Doc get your messages across in flying colours! We all love the essays and prolife section also. THE WICKED WORLD NEEDS MORE FOLK LIKE THEE...GOD BLESS you for your courage, goodwill, and attentive heart and ear to Our Good Lord's Messages! Your work here on earth is eternal.
Jonas Kildare on July 11, 2012 at 7:39 PM said:

Dr. Kardas, another skillfully written poem of greatest spiritual importance. Indeed, our effectiveness in this and the next world is totally connected to our level of sanctity; to the degree we are connected to Christ by grace and love. Keep penning the pearls of wisdom!

(comment from PoemHunter)
Beverly Hills on July 11, 2012 at 7:30 PM said:

Thank you Dr. Kardas for such a brilliant creation. Your words have pierced through my heart and soul, sin creates so much chaos in the world... since the very beginning of time. Look at us now, thousands of years later and still too stupid to realize what sin does to our relationship with God. So very well done, truly a Lenten Journey to reflect upon. I feel HIS POWER speaking through your words. God be with you...

(comment from PoemHunter)

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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