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(For the Unborn Victims...)


sins of commission

sins of omission

as grains of sands


to take stands

yet, drops of blood

soaking all lands


can't hear the wailing

and most are failing

not grieving

not caring

for their lot

failing to act

failing in duty

the only God


piercing sobs


by cruel mobs

so endless wailing

yet, most are failing



by woeful lot


sins of commission

sins of omission

each one

shall answer

for their blood

the torrential

horrifying flood


who is the mother?

where is the father?

to whom they belong?

weeping too long

resounding sobs


by steely-eyed mobs


blood is the lot

tears mixed with blood

through tears

through blood

they see God

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Pro-Life Pal on April 28, 2012 at 6:33 PM said:

Just got to tell you: Your poetry & Tweets are out of the world! You stand NOT alone. Most of the USA agrees that we are being duped by the greatest diabolical political dragnet of all time. We are blessed to have people such as yourself who go after these godless, dogmatic, disingenuous dictators who try to drag us into their dirty pool. Love your faithful, dauntless style. Keep on wielding that verbal sword of TRUTH. GOD BLESS Leslie & twitter fans

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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