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(For Unborn Victims...)


unexpected inconvenience

nameless dread

what was I?


heart pounding

did not know

those days

were numbered


connected to you,

consoling self,

sucking hungrily


insatiable for

one thing only

as all

living beings do


unspeakable horror!

in parting from you




What was I for you?


And the beasts

are victoriously 


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Jonathan Connolly on June 8, 2012 at 10:33 AM said:

Truly felt the throes of arrows propelled aimed straight to the heart. A wonderful mutimedial site Dr. Kardas, one needs time to ponder over its wealth of wisdom in all its components.

God bless your mission for Our Lord,
The Connolly Family
Dawn Markus on June 4, 2012 at 6:51 AM said:

Dear Dr. Kardas, It is truly brilliant to say so much and evoke such strong emotions in so few carefully chosen words! We've been reading this one several times and still gives us goose-bumps... Indeed, the baby in the womb must feel bewildered and horrified at the unjust cruelty - not to mention PAIN!!! This country must elect leaders who will be pro-life... if not we'll become worse than animals!!! God bless!

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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