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Offered seeds in arbor

Carrying crosses

Is a solid harbor

Heart on sides

Securely barred

But for one opening

To celestial Home

Flinging wide

To Kingdom come...

In bloom

To many-headed scars


Unshakable surrender

Into His chisel

Radiant, of beauty scars,

A vertical being,

Scarred yet unmarred,

Not robbed by

All horizontal mesh

For healing power

Flows boundlessly,

Perpetually from

Immaculate Flesh...



Offering seeds in arbor

O Blessed Cross

Is a safe harbor

To wipe

Tears profuse of Blood


With Love's flood


Evolving orderly

Is intimately tied

With the Blood of

The Immaculate Offerer,

Defeating enemy -

The ferocious murderer

In carrying crosses

Finding firm harbor,


Fruits plentiful

In one's own

And others' arbor

Flowing with

The flood of Blood

Going through water and fire

Wholesomely in love...

Caught in Cross Fire...

Bleeding with Him...

Bearing pain for Him...

Suffering in Him...

Caught in Fire -

The Blood of Love

The flood of Blood...



                                   Mighty flood....

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Dorothy Kardas on October 18, 2015 at 1:13 PM said:

Dear Mr. Edward Cummings,
Greatly enjoyed reading your kind message for which I am eternally thankful. These words not only inspire me to grow in closer union with Our Lord but also to be more diligent in my service to Him & others. My daily prayer... my daily concern is to be more pleasing at His sight. Wishing you & your loved ones superabundance of Grace. May we use gifts of the Holy Spirit as powerful weaponry in fighting the good fight & be victorious in Him! With love... D.K.
Mr. Edward Cummings on September 27, 2015 at 8:05 AM said:

God bless you me dearest poetress for the Lord. God only knows how many people has been so beautifully inspired through your words ( & I am willing to bet your deeds!)
Many thanks for the blessings you bring into our hearts by reminding us of God's Glory.
Dorothy Kardas on September 7, 2014 at 8:36 PM said:

Dear Tony H.
Truly appreciate your kindness as well as your spirit of humility. Yes, without the most powerful assistance of the Spirit of Truth, Love & Holiness - the Holy Spirit, I do not know anything, All we truly know is given from Above! Praise be the Holy Spirit! May Christ's Gaze always graciously rest upon you... Love - DK
Tony H. on August 16, 2014 at 7:24 PM said:

I've learned SO much of how little I know. Your works have opened up my eyes and heart and my soul thanks you! Fabulous work!
Eagle Eye on February 16, 2014 at 10:40 AM said:

Being caught in Cross Fire should be one's only desire. Enduring the Fire of Our Cross determines our eternal salvation. Remarkable poetry that is truly on Fire for Christ. Wishing you God's speed and many blessings. Ciao

(comment from PoemHunter)
Faithful reader on February 6, 2014 at 4:21 PM said:

"Carrying crosses is a solid harbor" will be my sacred formula when dealing with painful or difficult circumstances. Yes! I want to be ONLY a vertical man! And, when we are covered with the Precious Blood of Christ, then we are on the road to salvation. Dr. the more I read this poem or any of your works, the more hidden & spiritually helpful ideas I discover. A clever title, again with hidden meaning. My best to you & Ms. Johnson

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

 © Copyright 2012- 2025All rights reserved Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas 


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