The echo of fierce tongue lives in my brain
Years have passed, still, stain remains stain
The fulsome ally childishly involved in mutual game
To blame the truth teller in defense of disown shame.
What uttered with the right intent of correction
Time and again changed into self-serving direction
With undue suspicions, alterations, fabrications
To attain illusory sway in trifling, frivolous fray.
In appeasing the indignant, uncandid and shaky
Generous giving took shape of powerless measure
Trust impaired in the service of imaginary pleasure
The richly offered chance turned to be abated treasure.
Friends to intricate schemes, sneaky secrets
Engaged in intrigues, devoid of fitting regrets,
Censuring the well-wisher, while excusing own guilt
Uphill terrain to wipe out what mazily - cunningly built.
Setting up impossible task - tying down hands
By imposing self-centered, fickle demands...
Benumbed by detraction, poisoned attack
Paralyzed by senseless stab in the back...