Divers errors glaring
Defects myriad staring
To natural wanting
Not render consent
Forsake the corporal
Boggling, lament gutless, end
From crass ignorance dissent
May Love be the blinder
Annihilating foul vanity
Torturing the earthborn
Flawed, blemished humanity
And, inward Fire consume
All allure to muck of earth
Sensual brass-necked robbery,
Measuring swords for new birth
Be driving force rich in gallantry,
Relishing theocentric Feast
Willing death than misdeed
Fending off oppressive beast
Billows of unteachable corpses
Intoxicated with poisonous weeds
Refusing to - sober Truth - commit
Fruitful of vice, fruitless trees,
Unworthy of breast-beating
On devious, tortuous, roundabout sprees
Cut down, thrown into devouring fire
In dungeon cells, tormented, not able to flee
Pierce the darkness well-aimed Arrow
Wound the soul in blooming tall
Perforate living nightmare
Probing lifeless preys
Unfitted for credible merit
In toto undo, disinherit
From bounteous Land
Limitless gifts inherit
Burning tears dried
With tender Hand
By benevolence Royal
Through onerous toil,
Hedonistic impulse,
Roses all the way...
Trample, spoil
Silent, solemn gust...
Drops Sacred of Blood
Sinking mercilessly!
Bountifully, Mercifully
Into the pavement's dust...