Shield the soul from the atrocious beast
Offenses that make the Only Light to leave...
Escalating wasteful, merciless unease
Fling wide the gates to this Holy Breeze!
The urgent whispers, sobering promptings
Paving the path to truth's security
Joined intimately with love's indemnity
Life-sustaining inner workings of sanctity.
Creative, inter-connected, dynamic Gifts -
The most solid body of perennial bliss
Tearing down brazen face, wicked abyss
Unsurpassed treasure never to dismiss!
Preserved, revived by the Holy Spirit of God,
Tasting constantly saving, sanctifying Grace
Satisfied fully with giving life - charity
Is the reigning destination of Crowning Life.
Firm Shield and Shelter from tyrannical iniquity
Planted, cultivated and pruned Trees of Life
Through the desired, overriding, Splendorous Dove
Yielding plenteous fruits - The Beatific Grove!
Die deadly offenses, all that is grieving the Holy Ghost!
The insides be wholly purified, of the lesson of Calvary boast
For the snug nesting, rapturous resting of the Purest Dove
In the safest Harbor of the all-healing Trinitarian Love.
In the ruins of worldly desire
Dormant sensibility
Depraved conscience
Keep in salt...
"Be salted...
With fire!"
Be salted with fire...