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The Final Sentence Is...

Mowing profits on the fields of greed

calculations in outwitting the weak

getting ahead for self-centered need

impatiently planning in egotistic heat


Cultivating multifold vice and misdeed

excusing it as most common, practical feed

forgetting finality, height of charitable deed

hazardous injustice and severity into the soul seep


Two-faced, double-tongued habitually ingrained

day by day expanding as offensive to look at stain

perfidious, double-dealing constantly wheeling

surges of guilt viewed only as an irritating feeling


Misdeed?! Under the rug sweep!

Lies after lies filling the well deep!

Are they safely covered?

Will they be discovered?

Lull the soul to sleep...

In iniquitous slime

In vain, trying to bliss leap!


"What's unfitting with exertion for me?"

Foolishness! End the prattle!

The means matter!

The aims matter!

Each intent matters!

The Final End

Supremely matters...


The final sentence,

The Thunderous Voice announces

Wickedness, self-love forever denounces

The final sentence is...


"All efforts wasted by thee,"

"Nothing was done - out of love - for ME"...

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Dorothy Kardas on August 21, 2017 at 11:34 AM said:

Dear W.B. Hollis

Thank you dear friend in Christ for this uplifting & eternally appreciated message. I will try to live up to your kind assessment of my works. Be assured that my family & I will keep you & your loved ones in our prayers. Wishing you abundant gifts of God's Love... With love... DK
W.B. Hollis on August 12, 2017 at 10:00 AM said:

What a treasure Sister Dorothy! Knowing somebody out there writes these powerful words for Jesus makes me more peaceful. Let it be known, YOU are the best "messenger" we have encountered in our moderen times. GOD BE WITH YOU and your family. WHB
JOE on November 27, 2015 at 6:25 PM said:

Dr. Another winner! Sharp analysis of the vices that destroy souls. Can feel the despair of the dying or dead soul. Powerful write in stirring strong emotions and concerns for our final destination. Love the surprises in intertwining spiritual insights and evoking different feelings.For God EVERYTHING MATTERS as you say and we will answer for choosing means, goals and how the gift of life we used. Only in serving and loving God there is joy and fulfillment in this life and hereafter!!! This poem left me frozen with fear and I mean it in a good sense. Thanks Dr! Praise be GOD!!!

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

 © Copyright 2012- 2025All rights reserved Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas 


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