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Each punch hits the brick wall

knocking at the iron door

brick wall and the iron door

have become your due fall

staying as clueless as a boar.


Impervious to the pity's call

closed to well-intentioned sympathy,

inebriated by internal apathy

erecting artificial defensive place

in vain, hiding self-made double-face.


Punching persistently the brick wall

knocking relentlessly at the iron door

asking myself frequently "what for?"

Hurt after hurt to awaken moral sense

fruitless for the one sunken deeply in pretense.


Surrounding self and distancing still further

as though the well-wisher is guilty of murder

by constructing a towering electrical fence

the palpably self-absorbed - in particular

stay painfully, incorrigibly as a brick dense.


No more knocking,

ending bitter shocking,

spurning crocking,

no longer bearing mocking,

scorning any form of knocking,

blocking senseless mocking!

In fruitful relation,

truth and solid trust

perennially remain

a must...

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Dear Maria, on July 28, 2023 at 10:43 AM said:

Appreciate your kind comment; indeed, everyone can relate to struggling unsuccessfully with relationships. I would like to invite you to visit my YouTube channel created recently under
Dorothy Kardas & the one under my photo. Perhaps, you will find those little presentations helpful. Faithfully in Christ, DK
Maria D. on January 22, 2023 at 10:46 AM said:

EVERYONE relates to this! Thanks
Kay T. on April 6, 2022 at 9:55 AM said:

Lies, twisted facts & betrayals destroyed trust & so many friendships & family ties. The time comes when the only things we can offer the liars is our forgiveness, golden silence & frequent prayers. This sad state is beyond our control. Glad you shared this gem Dr. Kardas - truly illuminating poem which confirmed my humble opinion. As the saying goes: "You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't!" They tie our hands, live in illusion for which they suffer. Forgiveness as you said has nothing to do with reconciliation for reconciliation has to be grounded in truth. Thanks again!

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Christian Works by Dorothy Kardas, Psy.D. Th.D. 

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